Study on the adaptability of farmers in Karst rocky desertification control area
Abstract:The adaptability of the farmers in Karst rocky desertification control area was explored, so as to promote farmers to adapt to environmental changes brought by rocky desertification control, and realize the sustainable and coordinated development of regional farmers and ecological environment. With Huajiang Demonstration Zone in Anshun City, Guizhou Province as an example, the evaluation index system of farmers' adaptability was constructed by introducing farmers' adaptation perception and sustainable livelihood framework. Besides, the adaptability of 509 farmers was quantitatively evaluated and compared through principal component analysis. The influencing factors were analyzed and the corresponding improvement strategies were given. The results showed that the perception ability of the surveyed farmers to the change of rocky desertification control was in the order of pure farmers > part-time farmers > non-farmers > multiple occupations farmers. As a whole, the surveyed farmers' adaptability to environmental changes brought by rocky desertification control was low. The multiple occupations farmers and part-time farmers had stronger adaptability than pure farmers and non-farmers. The main influencing factors affecting the adaptability of farmers in Huajiang included material and economic ability, human and natural ability, perception ability of rocky desertification control and diversification degree of livelihood. The adaptability of farmers in Karst rocky desertification control area could be improved by enhancing their livelihood capital, material economic ability and educational level.
表 1 调查样本基本情况
Table 1. Basic information of the survey sample
变量 人口/人 占比/% 性别 男 1 242 53.44 女 1 082 46.56 年龄 0~17 662 28.49 18~60 1 290 55.51 >60 372 16.00 婚姻状况 未婚 958 41.22 已婚 1 240 53.36 再婚 3 0.12 离异 19 0.82 丧偶 104 4.48 受教育程度 文盲和半文盲 537 23.11 小学 850 36.57 初中 738 31.76 高中 107 4.60 大专 39 1.68 本科以上 53 2.28 健康状况 健康 1 894 81.50 基本健康 261 11.23 不健康 139 5.98 生活不能自理 30 1.29 表 2 花江农户适应能力评价指标体系
Table 2. Evaluation index system of farmers' adaptability in Huajiang
指数 维度 代理指标 赋值 权重 适应能力指数 自然能力 耕地面积(X1) 人均面积 0.104 林地面积(X2) 人均面积 0.073 物质能力 固定资产
价值(X3)家庭家具数量 0.107 牲畜数量(X4) 牛为0.8,猪为0.3,
羊为0.2,鸡为0.10.089 人力能力 家庭整体劳动能力(X5) 家庭劳动人口数
占比0.097 成年劳动力受教育程度(X6) 文盲为0,小学为0.25,
大专以上为10.095 经济能力 现金收入(X7) 人均年现金收入 0.091 生计多样
活动种类数0.089 石漠化治理考虑感知
考虑度(X9)考虑为1,不太考虑为0.5,不考虑为0 0.091 治理变化
感知能力弱为00.098 基础设施
条件交通条件(X11) 非常好为1,比较好为0.75,一般为0.5,不太好为0.25,很不好为0 0.066 表 3 特征根及主成分贡献率
Table 3. Contribution rate of characteristic roots and principal components
主成分 特征根 贡献率/% 累计贡献率/% 第一主成分 1.995 19.224 19.224 第二主成分 1.474 14.491 33.715 第三主成分 1.271 12.647 46.362 第四主成分 1.112 11.018 57.380 第五主成分 1.047 9.520 66.900 表 4 旋转后的因子载荷矩阵
Table 4. Factor load matrix after rotation
指标 主成分荷载值 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 X1 0.071 0.188 0.066 0.799 0.196 X2 0.084 −0.089 −0.141 0.654 −0.134 X3 0.205 0.650 −0.163 0.137 0.268 X4 0.795 0.045 0.000 −0.070 −0.051 X5 −0.091 0.564 0.092 0.255 −0.219 X6 0.054 0.813 −0.091 −0.163 −0.044 X7 0.695 −0.019 0.048 0.046 −0.123 X8 0.528 0.109 −0.058 0.240 0.894 X9 0.085 −0.025 0.771 −0.054 −0.167 X10 −0.074 −0.091 0.819 −0.012 0.165 X11 −0.049 −0.028 0.011 0.028 0.106 表 5 石漠化治理下花江农户的考虑感知能力
Table 5. Perception ability of farmers in Huajiang under rocky desertification control
农户类型 治理变化考虑度 治理变化感知度 纯农户 0.562 0.598 农兼户 0.531 0.605 兼农户 0.490 0.637 非农户 0.493 0.617 表 6 石漠化治理下花江农户的适应能力指数分布
Table 6. Adaptability index of farmers in Huajiang under rocky desertification control
适应能力类别 ACI范围 农户数量/户 占比/% 极低 0~0.3 40 7.86 较低 0.3~0.45 373 73.28 较高 0.45~0.6 96 18.86 高 ≥0.6 0 0 表 7 不同生计农户适应能力主要影响因子
Table 7. Main influencing factors of adaptation capacity of farmers with different livelihoods
农户类型 影响因子 代理指标 所属维度 主成分
荷载值纯农户 第一影响因子 X6 人力能力 0.756 第二影响因子 X4 物质能力 0.767 第三影响因子 X10 石漠化治理
考虑感知能力0.814 第四影响因子 X1 自然能力 0.681 第五影响因子 X2 自然能力 0.890 兼农户/
农兼户第一影响因子 X4 物质能力 0.763 第二影响因子 X10 石漠化治理
考虑感知能力0.797 第三影响因子 X3 物质能力 0.788 第四影响因子 X8 生计多样化程度 0.782 非农户 第一影响因子 X5 人力能力 0.836 第二影响因子 X3 物质能力 0.788 第三影响因子 X6 人力能力 0.806 第四影响因子 X7 经济能力 0.772 -
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