Evaluation of habitat restoration effect based on fish spawning requirements
Abstract:It is vital to evaluate the restoration effect according to the spawning needs of fish to master the habitat status and guide the project design. Taking the Heishui River as an example and starting from the habitat requirements of fish spawning, in order to obtain the real restoration effect of the restoration project on fish spawning habitat, the reference status of spawning habitat was quantified through on-site monitoring of real spawning sites and numerical simulation. An index system was constructed to evaluate the quality of fish spawning habitat. The results showed that the comprehensive evaluation scores of fish habitat in the spawning period of the Heishui River from 2019 to 2021 were 63.04, 83.52 and 83.52, respectively, indicating that the fish spawning habitat had been improved year by year. The evaluation results showed that the ecological restoration project had an obvious effect on the restoration of the spawning habitat. Moreover, the spatial distribution of fish spawning habitat quality in different reaches of the Heishui River showed that the downstream reach (R4-R6) before restoration was better than the upstream reach (R1-R3). After restoration, the scores of different reaches increased in varying degrees, with an increase of 21.33%-59.15%. Through tracing the source of sensitive factors, it could be seen that the habitat quality of fish spawning in the Heishui River before restoration was mainly limited by river connectivity and hydraulic conditions, and the connectivity had been greatly improved after restoration. However, there was still a certain gap between the water flow velocity and Froude number and the preference for protecting fish spawning. In the later restoration work, local shaping and improvement of water flow pattern should be carried out according to the preference of fish spawning.
表 1 各河段分区修复技术特点
Table 1. Characteristics of restoration technologies in each river section
河段分区 范围及河段长度 河段修复特点 R1 苏家湾坝上—松新坝址(约13 km) 下泄生态流量、新建下泄流量保障措施和监控设施 R2 松新坝址—松新厂房(约8 km) 下泄生态流量、新建下泄流量保障措施和监控设施;减水河段生境修复、鱼类产卵喜好的砂砾石质铺设、水力微生境塑造等;修建松新鱼道 R3 松新厂房—老木河厂房(约13 km) 拆除老木河闸坝;针对黑水河长薄鳅、短须裂腹鱼、齐口裂腹鱼等保护鱼种进行增殖放流 R4 老木河厂房—825 m回水点(约10 km) R5 825 m回水点—765 m回水点(约10 km) R6 765 m回水点—金沙江汇口(约20 km) 表 2 评价指标及其生态学意义
Table 2. Evaluation indicators and their ecological significance
目标层 要素层 指标层 指标生态学意义 水文情势
(B1)流量过程相似度(C1) 提供鱼类产卵信号 河道连通性
特征指标(A2)河道连通性(B2) 水面宽率(C2) 反映鱼类在河道横向
活动空间综合连通系数(C3) 反映纵向上鱼类洄游
(B3)水温(C4) 决定了鱼类产卵行为
发生的时间含沙量(C5) 影响黏性鱼卵的附着;高含沙量的水流会对鱼类、鱼卵造成物理伤害[21] 溶解氧(C6) 影响鱼类呼吸、运动,影响水体中藻类的
(B4)水深(C7) 反映鱼类产卵空间大小 运动学特征(B5) 流速(C8) 刺激鱼类产卵 动力学特征(B6) 弗劳德数(C9) 反映鱼类产卵生境的
水流状态[22]Table 3. Relationship between mood operator and relative membership degree of quantitative scale
语气算子 定量标度 相对隶属度 同样 0.5 1 同样-稍稍 0.525 0.905 稍稍 0.55 0.818 稍稍-略微 0.575 0.739 略微 0.6 0.667 略微-较为 0.625 0.6 较为 0.65 0.538 较为-明显 0.675 0.481 明显 0.7 0.429 明显-显著 0.725 0.379 显著 0.75 0.333 显著-十分 0.775 0.29 十分 0.8 0.25 十分-非常 0.825 0.212 非常 0.85 0.176 非常-极其 0.875 0.143 极其 0.9 0.111 极其-极端 0.925 0.081 极端 0.95 0.053 极端-无可比拟 0.975 0.026 无可比拟 1 0 注:语气位于2个语气算子之间时,定量标度由二者均值得到。 表 4 河流栖息地质量评价权重
Table 4. Evaluation weight of river habitat quality
目标层 要素层 指标层 指标层权重计算结果 A1 B1 C1 0.239 A2 B2 C2 0.132 C3 0.132 A3 B3 C4 0.058 C5 0.058 C6 0.058 A4 B4 C7 0.103 B5 C8 0.126 B6 C9 0.093 表 5 各指标参照状态
Table 5. Evaluation criterion of each indicator
评价指标 评价标准 Ⅰ(优) Ⅱ(良) Ⅲ(一般) Ⅳ(较差) Ⅴ(极差) C1 [0.8,1.0] [0.6,0.8) [0.4,0.6) [0.2,0.4) [0,0.2) C2/ % [90,100] [80,90) [50,80) [20,50) [0,20) C3 [0.8,1.0] [0.6,0.8) [0.5,0.6) [0.3,0.5) [0,0.3) C4/℃ [11.4,22.3) [11.4,22.3) [11.4,22.3) C4<11.4或C4≥22.3 C4<11.4或C4≥22.3 C5/(mg/L) <2685 <2685 <2685 ≥2685 ≥2685 C6 0 1 2 3 4 C7/m [0.3,1.0) [1,1.5) [1.5,2.0) [2.0,2.5) C7≥2.5或[0,0.3) C8/(m/s) (0.3,0.5) [0.5,0.6) 或(0,0.3] [0.5,1.0) [1.0,1.4) C8≤0或C8≥1.4 C9 [0,0.4) [0.4,0.6) [0.4,0.6) ≥0.6 ≥0.6 表 6 栖息地多断面Ci综合评价标准分级
Table 6. Comprehensive rating standard of multi sections of habitat
分级 标准 Ⅰ(优) Ⅰ~Ⅲ级占比≥90% Ⅱ(良) Ⅰ~Ⅲ级占比为75%~90% Ⅲ(一般) Ⅰ~Ⅲ级占比<75%,且Ⅴ级占比<20% Ⅳ(较差) Ⅰ~Ⅲ级占比<75%,且Ⅴ级占比为20%~40% Ⅴ(极差) Ⅰ~Ⅲ级占比<60%,且Ⅴ级占比≥40% 表 7 全河段各指标评价结果
Table 7. Evaluation grade of each indicator in the whole river section
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