
Evaluation on greenhouse gas emission reduction of the whole county's promotion project of livestock and poultry manure resource utilization

  • 摘要: 为探究整县推进畜禽粪污资源化利用项目实施前后粪污处置环节温室气体排放量变化,参考IPCC气候指南对X市新建粪污处置工程各环节进行核算评估。结果表明:净碳排放量方面,按实施方案推进后的净碳排放量为479.31 t(以二氧化碳当量计,下同),相较于项目实施前减少了21 172.81 t;单位牲畜粪污处置碳排放量方面,项目实施后单位牲畜粪污处置碳排放降低513.48 kg,降低了97.79%;不同处理工艺单位牲畜粪污处理碳排放方面,好氧堆肥相较于粪便露天堆放降低了50%,密闭式厌氧发酵相较于厌氧氧化塘碳排放降低了83.04%。基于以上评估结果,建议应用固体粪便覆膜好氧堆肥、液体粪污密闭贮存发酵和粪肥全量还田模式,推进县域粪污处置温室气体排放进一步降低。


    Abstract: In order to explore the change of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of manure disposal before and after the implementation of the whole county's promotion project of livestock and poultry manure resource utilization, referring to IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories,, the accounting and assessment of the new manure disposal engineerings in X City was carried out. The results showed that the net carbon emission was 479.31 t (in terms of carbon dioxide equivalent, the same below) after project implementation according to the executed solution, and compared to that before project implementation, it was reduced by 21172.81 t. The carbon emission per unit of livestock waste disposal was reduced by 513.48 kg, a decrease of 97.79% after project implementation according to the executed solution. In terms of carbon emission from livestock manure disposal by different processing units, the carbon emission of aerobic composting was reduced by 50% compared with that of open-air manure storge, and the carbon emission of closed anaerobic fermentation was reduced by 83.04% compared with that of anaerobic oxidation pond. Based on the above evaluation results, it was recommended to apply the model of solid manure mulching aerobic compost, liquid manure closed storage fermentation and manure full return to the field, to further reduce the GHG emissions of manure disposal.


