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刘思玉 张建强 白华清 汪锐 陈杨武 何杨

刘思玉,张建强,白华清,等.提标升级对乡镇污水处理厂碳排放特征的影响[J].环境工程技术学报,2024,14(3):798-807 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20230749
引用本文: 刘思玉,张建强,白华清,等.提标升级对乡镇污水处理厂碳排放特征的影响[J].环境工程技术学报,2024,14(3):798-807 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20230749
LIU S Y,ZHANG J Q,BAI H Q,et al.Impact of upgrading on carbon emission characteristics of township sewage treatment plants[J].Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology,2024,14(3):798-807 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20230749
Citation: LIU S Y,ZHANG J Q,BAI H Q,et al.Impact of upgrading on carbon emission characteristics of township sewage treatment plants[J].Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology,2024,14(3):798-807 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20230749


doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20230749
基金项目: 四川省科技计划项目(2021YFG0280)




  • 中图分类号: X703

Impact of upgrading on carbon emission characteristics of township sewage treatment plants

  • 摘要:

    在碳达峰、碳中和和流域水污染防治的背景下,乡镇污水处理厂减污降碳协同势在必行。基于成都市某乡镇市政污水处理厂2016—2022年水质水量数据,分析提标升级前后化学需氧量、氨氮、总磷、总氮的时间变异性,利用《IPCC 2006 国家温室气体清单指南》(2019年修订版)、《城镇水务系统碳核算与减排路径技术指南》评估直接、间接碳排放强度特征,探究提标升级前后碳排放量对季节、水质及污染物削减量的响应。结果表明:1)污水处理厂主体工艺从周期循环活性污泥法(CASS)升级为厌氧-缺氧-好氧-膜生物反应器法(AAO-MBR)后,出水水质满足DB 51/2311—2016《四川省岷江、沱江流域水污染物排放标准》,升级后通过增加碳源、利用MBR膜截留污泥等措施,使出水水质指标更加稳定,对污染物的处理效率更高;2)提标升级后,直接、间接碳排放强度分别为0.296和1.082 kg/m3(以CO2当量计),分别增加41.59%和105.70%,且夏季碳排放强度显著低于其他季节(P<0.01),升级前后的间接碳排放强度均高于直接碳排放强度;3)提标升级后,总碳排放强度增加了0.643 kg/m3(以CO2当量计),工艺升级导致的电耗增加,使得间接碳排放强度变化更显著。乡镇污水处理厂提标升级在提高处理效能的同时也增加了碳排放量,建议在工艺改造中协同考虑污染物去除与能耗控制,以实现减污降碳协同增效。


  • 图  1  升级改造前后污水处理流程


    Figure  1.  Sewage treatment process before and after upgrading

    图  2  成都市某乡镇污水处理厂提标升级前后进出水污染物浓度及去除率的季节变化

    Figure  2.  Seasonal changes of pollutant concentration and removal rate in influent and effluent before and after upgrading of a township STP in Chengdu

    图  3  成都市某乡镇污水处理厂提标升级前后碳排放强度季节分布特征

    Figure  3.  Seasonal distribution characteristics of carbon emission intensity before and after upgrading of a township STP in Chengdu

    图  4  成都市某乡镇污水处理厂提标升级前后碳排放强度的季节变化

    Figure  4.  Seasonal changes of carbon emission intensity before and after upgrading of a township STP in Chengdu

    图  5  成都市某乡镇污水处理厂提标升级前后不同排放种类的碳排放强度占总碳排放强度的比例

    Figure  5.  Proportion of different types of carbon emission to total carbon emission intensity before and after upgrading of a township STP in Chengdu City

    图  6  成都市某乡镇污水处理厂提标升级前后工艺的不同碳排放强度变化


    Figure  6.  Changes of different carbon emission intensities before and after upgrading of a township STP in Chengdu City

    图  7  间接碳排放量与提标升级前后COD、TN削减量的拟合趋势及拟合方程

    Figure  7.  Fitting trend diagram and fitting equation of indirect carbon emissions and COD and TN reduction before and after upgrading

    图  8  提标升级前后的理论碳排放强度与实际碳排放强度对比

    Figure  8.  Comparison of theoretical and actual carbon emission intensities before and after upgrading

    表  1  成都市某乡镇污水处理厂提标升级前后碳排放强度与水质参数之间的相关性分析

    Table  1.   Correlation analysis between carbon emission intensity and water quality parameters of a township STP in Chengdu before and after upgrading

    碳排放类型 进水COD 出水COD COD去除量 进水TN
    提标升级前 直接碳排放强度 0.683** 0.099 0.493** 0.876** 0.043 0.476** 0.611** −0.103 0.441** 0.038
    间接碳排强度 0.211 0.467** −0.378* −0.195 −0.192 −0.483** −0.028 0.100 −0.461** 1.000**
    提标升级后 直接碳排放强度 0.799** 0.005 0.630** 0.951** 0.177 0.553** 0.939** 0.007 0.595** −0.144
    间接碳排强度 −0.092 −0.216 −0.232 −0.152 −0.324 −0.255 −0.131 −0.383* −0.248 1.000**
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