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程继雄 安堃达 彭聃 王婉玉

程继雄,安堃达,彭聃,等.湖北省典型流域片区地表水溶解氧时空变化及驱动因素[J].环境工程技术学报,2024,14(4):1260-1272 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20230828
引用本文: 程继雄,安堃达,彭聃,等.湖北省典型流域片区地表水溶解氧时空变化及驱动因素[J].环境工程技术学报,2024,14(4):1260-1272 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20230828
CHENG J X,AN K D,PENG D,et al.Spatio-temporal variation and driving factors of dissolved oxygen in surface water of typical watershed areas in Hubei Province[J].Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology,2024,14(4):1260-1272 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20230828
Citation: CHENG J X,AN K D,PENG D,et al.Spatio-temporal variation and driving factors of dissolved oxygen in surface water of typical watershed areas in Hubei Province[J].Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology,2024,14(4):1260-1272 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20230828


doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20230828
基金项目: 湖北省环保科研项目(2021HB-08)




  • 中图分类号: X824

Spatio-temporal variation and driving factors of dissolved oxygen in surface water of typical watershed areas in Hubei Province

  • 摘要:



  • 图  1  湖北省流域片区及水质自动监测站分布

    Figure  1.  Distribution of watershed areas and water quality automatic monitoring stations in Hubei Province

    图  2  2021—2022年湖北省地表水DO浓度和饱和度评价结果

    注:水质类别根据GB 3838—2002中DO浓度评价得到。

    Figure  2.  Evaluation results of DO concentration and saturation of surface water in Hubei Province from 2021 to 2022

    图  3  2021—2022年湖北省地表水DO浓度和饱和度季节变化

    注:a、b、c、d为季节显著性差异统计结果,相同字母为差异不显著,不同字母为差异显著,P ≤ 0.05。全文同。

    Figure  3.  Seasonal variation of DO concentration and saturation of surface water in Hubei Province from 2021 to 2022

    图  4  5—10月地表水DO浓度小时变化

    Figure  4.  Hourly trends of DO concentration of surface water from May to October

    图  5  2021—2022年湖北省16个流域片区地表水DO浓度月均值变化

    Figure  5.  Monthly average variation of DO concentration of surface water of sixteen watershed areas in Hubei Province from 2021 to 2022

    图  6  2021—2022年湖北省16个流域片区地表水DO浓度热点分布

    Figure  6.  Hot spot distribution of DO concentration of surface water of sixteen watershed areas in Hubei Province from 2021 to 2022

    图  7  2021—2022年湖北省16个流域片区地表水低DO浓度发生频率热点分布

    Figure  7.  Hot spot distribution of frequency of low DO concentration of surface water of sixteen watershed areas in Hubei Province from 2021 to 2022

    图  8  2021—2022年湖北省16个流域片区地表水DO饱和度季节变化统计

    Figure  8.  Seasonal variation of DO saturation of surface water of sixteen watershed areas in Hubei Province from 2021 to 2022

    图  9  湖北省16个流域片区地表水DO浓度聚类分组分布

    Figure  9.  Cluster grouping distribution of DO concentration of surface water of sixteen watershed areas in Hubei Province

    表  1  2021—2022年各月地表水DO浓度昼夜变化差异性检验结果

    Table  1.   Difference test of diurnal variation of DO concentration in different months from 2021 to 2022

    月份 样本量 P d
    1 200 0.012* 0.32
    2 195 0.016* 0.24
    3 199 0.005** 0.29
    4 198 0.000** 0.45
    5 197 0.000** 0.70
    6 195 0.000** 0.84
    7 196 0.000** 0.92
    8 183 0.000** 0.59
    9 175 0.000** 0.72
    10 179 0.000** 0.56
    11 191 0.727 0.04
    12 194 0.295 0.11
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    表  2  典型流域片区地表水DO浓度及饱和度与各影响因素之间的相关系数

    Table  2.   Correlation coefficient between DO concentration and saturation and various influencing factors of surface water of typical watershed areas

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    表  3  典型流域片区地表水DO浓度多元线性回归结果

    Table  3.   Results of multiple linear regression of DO concentration of surface water of typical watershed areas

    流域分区 影响因素组合 线性回归模型 R2 DW
    水温+pH+高锰酸盐指数y = –3.808 – 0.194T + 2.113pH – 0.315CMn0.6911.995
    水温+pH+高锰酸盐指数+总磷y = –1.696 – 0.199T + 1.882pH – 0.240CMn – 4.903CTP0.7092.015
    水温+pH+高锰酸盐指数+总磷+氨氮y = 0.354 – 0.217T + 1.654pH – 0.244CMn + 0.824CTP – 1.810CNH3-N0.7431.962
    清江片区pHy = –27.547 + 5.968pH0.3861.744
    pH+高锰酸盐指数y = –23.861 + 4.077pH + 0.861CMn0.4761.755
    沮漳河片区水温y = 12.711 – 0.193T0.7222.127
    水温+pHy = 8.570 – 0.185T + 0.508pH0.7332.111
    水温+pH+浊度y = 9.998 – 0.181T + 0.335pH – 0.007S0.7412.130
    水温+pH+浊度+高锰酸盐指数y = 10.092 – 0.181T + 0.326pH – 0.006S – 0.019CMn0.7412.133
    水温+pH+浊度+高锰酸盐指数+总磷y = 10.101 – 0.181T + 0.327pH – 0.005S – 0.024CMn – 1.182CTP0.7412.134
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  • 收稿日期:  2023-11-18
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