
Silver pollution characteristics and health risks in sewage sludge in the Yangtze River Delta region

  • 摘要: 采集了长江三角洲(长三角)地区13个城市的22个污泥样品,分析了该地区城市污泥中金属银(Ag)的含量、尺寸特征,考察了污泥中Ag的形态分布和生物可利用性,并分别利用固体废物浸出毒性评价方法和美国国家环境保护局推荐的健康风险评价方法评估了污泥中Ag的浸出毒性风险和人体健康风险。结果表明,不同城市污泥中Ag浓度(0.08~721 mg/kg)存在较大差异,Ag平均浓度表现为工业污泥(101 mg/kg)>混流污泥(1.89 mg/kg)>市政污泥(0.99 mg/kg)。单颗粒电感耦合等离子质谱表征结果表明,不同类型污泥中均存在含Ag的纳米颗粒,尺寸为17.7~19.0 nm。赋存形态分析结果表明,酸性或有机质浓度较低的2种工业污泥(南京S17、南京S22)中,弱酸提取态Ag占比较高,分别为60.0%和15.6%;其余20种污泥中的Ag主要以稳定态赋存(残渣态和铁锰氧化物态),说明该地区大部分(90.9%)污泥中Ag的迁移能力较低。EDTA提取效率结果也表明,除1种酸性工业污泥(南京S17)外,其他21种污泥中的Ag的生物可利用性均较低。浸出毒性结果表明,除1种有机质浓度较低的工业污泥(南京S22)中的Ag具有高浸出毒性风险以外,其余污泥浸出毒性风险均较小。人体健康风险评估结果表明,长三角地区污泥中的重金属Ag不会对成人和儿童产生显著的非致癌风险。综上,长三角地区除部分工业污泥外,市政和混流污泥的Ag环境风险均较小。


    Abstract: Twenty-two sludge samples were collected from 13 cities in the Yangtze River Delta region, and were used to investigate the concentration, size, speciation distribution, and bioavailability of silver (Ag) in sewage sludge. Meanwhile, the leaching toxicity and human health risks of Ag in sewage sludge were evaluated by the leaching toxicity procedure for solid waste and the health risk evaluation method recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency. The results showed that the Ag concentration in varied sludge was significantly different (0.08-721 mg/kg), and the average Ag concentration in different types of sludge exhibited an order of industrial sludge (101 mg/kg) > mixed sludge (1.89 mg/kg) > municipal sludge (0.99 mg/kg). The results of single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (spICP-MS) indicated that Ag-containing nanoparticles existed in different types of sludge and the size fell in the range of 17.7-19.0 nm. The analysis results of the occurrence forms indicated that the proportions of weakly acidic extracted Ag were higher in two types of industrial sludge with acidic or low organic matter content (S17 and S22, Nanjing), which were 60.0% and 15.6%, respectively. However, Ag in the remaining 20 types of sludge was mainly found in stable fractions (residual fraction and iron manganese oxidation fraction), indicating that the migration ability of Ag in most of the sludge (90.9%) in this region was relatively low. The EDTA extraction efficiency results indicated that, except for one acidic industrial sludge (S17, Nanjing), the bioavailability of Ag in the other 21 types of sludge was relatively low. The results of leaching toxicity indicated that except for one industrial sludge with low organic matter content (S22, Nanjing), whose Ag had a high leaching toxicity risk, the leaching toxicity risk of Ag in other sludge was relatively low. The results of the human health risk assessment indicated that Ag in the sludge from the Yangtze River Delta region did not pose a significant non-carcinogenic risk to adults and children. The above results suggest that from the perspective of Ag, the environmental risks of municipal and mixed sludge in the Yangtze River Delta region are relatively low, except for some industrial sludge.


