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种衍懿 王燕军 张鹤丰 柯佳 李凯

种衍懿,王燕军,张鹤丰,等.基于VECTO软件的重型车CO2排放敏感性分析[J].环境工程技术学报,2024,14(4):1178-1183 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20240112
引用本文: 种衍懿,王燕军,张鹤丰,等.基于VECTO软件的重型车CO2排放敏感性分析[J].环境工程技术学报,2024,14(4):1178-1183 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20240112
CHONG Y Y,WANG Y J,ZHANG H F,et al.Sensitivity analysis of heavy vehicle CO2 emission based on VECTO software[J].Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology,2024,14(4):1178-1183 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20240112
Citation: CHONG Y Y,WANG Y J,ZHANG H F,et al.Sensitivity analysis of heavy vehicle CO2 emission based on VECTO software[J].Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology,2024,14(4):1178-1183 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20240112


doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20240112
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFB2602001);移动源污染排放控制技术国家工程实验室开放基金项目(NELMS2019A19)





  • 中图分类号: X701

Sensitivity analysis of heavy vehicle CO2 emission based on VECTO software

  • 摘要:



  • 图  1  VECTO主程序示意

    Figure  1.  Main program scheme of VECTO

    图  2  滚阻系数对CO2比排放模拟的影响

    Figure  2.  Effect of rolling resistance coefficient on CO2 specific emission simulation

    图  3  风阻系数对CO2比排放模拟的影响

    Figure  3.  Effect of wind resistance coefficient on CO2 specific emission simulation

    图  4  轮胎动力学半径对CO2比排放的影响

    Figure  4.  Effect of tire dynamic radius on CO2 specific emission

    图  5  机械效率对CO2比排放的影响

    Figure  5.  Effect of mechanical efficiency on CO2 specific emission

    图  6  主减速器和变速箱各挡位转矩损失对CO2比排放的影响

    Figure  6.  Effect of torque loss in each gear of main retarder and gearbox on CO2 specific emission

    图  7  附件总功率对CO2比排放的影响

    Figure  7.  Effect of accessory total power on CO2 specific emission

    表  1  模拟所选车辆信息和4种模拟情形

    Table  1.   Vehicles information and four scenarios for simulation

    国产厢式货车9 12018 0004$ \times $2647.79221C-WTVC循环
    欧洲C2级货车4 670+3 020(负载)+1 900(挂车)11 9904$ \times $2526.87175VECTO中自带Region循环
    欧洲C2级货车4 670+3 020(负载)+1 900(挂车)11 9904$ \times $2526.87175VECTO中自带Urban循环
    欧洲城际客车14 800+5 170(负载)25 0006$ \times $2847.70250VECTO中自带InterUrban循环
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  驾驶循环特征参数对比

    Table  2.   Comparison of driving cycle characteristic parameters

    C-WTVC循环1 80018687.840.997
    Region循环25 94511485.074.277
    Urban循环28 42963985.051.558
    InterUrban循环125 210.81 708.885.039.917
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3  车辆特性参数初始设置

    Table  3.   Original vehicle characteristic parameters setup

    国产厢式货车0.005 55.2005075 0000.9770.977
    欧洲C2级货车0.006 54.8304213 540功率损失MAP图功率损失MAP图
    欧洲城际客车0.006 54.1155075 000功率损失MAP图功率损失MAP图
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