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卢明 王帅 王洋 李志琦 罗博 梁涛 方林发 赵敬坤 王洁

卢明,王帅,王洋,等.优化施肥下种植绿肥对青花椒生产增效减排的影响[J].环境工程技术学报,2024,14(5):1494-1503 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20240270
引用本文: 卢明,王帅,王洋,等.优化施肥下种植绿肥对青花椒生产增效减排的影响[J].环境工程技术学报,2024,14(5):1494-1503 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20240270
LU M,WANG S,WANG Y,et al.Effects of planting green manure on the production efficiency and environmental benefit of Zanthoxylum armatum v. novemfolius based on optimized fertilization[J].Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology,2024,14(5):1494-1503 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20240270
Citation: LU M,WANG S,WANG Y,et al.Effects of planting green manure on the production efficiency and environmental benefit of Zanthoxylum armatum v. novemfolius based on optimized fertilization[J].Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology,2024,14(5):1494-1503 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20240270


doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20240270
基金项目: 重庆市农业技术推广总站化肥定额施用配套技术集成示范重点项目




  • 中图分类号: X82,S142

Effects of planting green manure on the production efficiency and environmental benefit of Zanthoxylum armatum v. novemfolius based on optimized fertilization

  • 摘要:

    发展现代绿肥可有效引导我国农业绿色发展,探究优化施肥下种植绿肥对重庆青花椒高产高效、绿色低碳生产意义重大。2021—2022年在重庆市江津区开展田间试验,以九叶青花椒为试材,对比研究椒农常规管理和优化施肥下种植绿肥对青花椒产量、年生长干物质累积量及品质、绿肥生物量及养分累积量、椒园土壤化学性质、经济效益和生态效益的影响。结果表明:较常规管理,优化施肥下种植绿肥显著提高椒园土壤有机质、碱解氮、有效磷含量,种植光叶苕子、箭筈豌豆、白三叶和紫云英分别显著提高青花椒产量51.2%、17.3%、4.52%和4.03%,并可提高青花椒麻味物质浓度10.7%~24.6%、挥发性芳香油含量10.7%~22.7%,其中光叶苕子和箭筈豌豆处理下椒园实现增收3 871~21 968元/hm2;环境效应评价结果显示,种植绿肥明显降低椒园年生产周期活性氮损失13.8%(氮足迹17.0%~42.9%)和温室气体排放量12.7%(碳足迹16.2%~42.2%)。基于青花椒产量、品质综合效应、经济效益和生态效益等多指标综合分析,优化施肥下种植光叶苕子或箭筈豌豆是保障重庆青花椒优质高产高效、绿色低碳生产的适宜模式。


  • 图  1  优化施肥下种植绿肥对青花椒产量、年生长干物质累积量、绿肥生物量的影响

    注:FP为常规管理,OPT为优化施肥,V. villosa为光叶苕子,V. sativa为箭筈豌豆,T. dubium为三叶草,A. sinicus为紫云英;不同小写字母表示相同土层不同施肥处理间差异在0.05水平显著。全文同。

    Figure  1.  Effects of planting green manure on fruit yield, net above-biomass accumulation of Chinese prickly ash, and aboveground biomass of green manure based on optimized fertilization

    图  2  优化施肥下种植绿肥对青花椒果实品质的影响

    Figure  2.  Effects of planting green manure on fruit qualities of Chinese prickly ash based on optimized fertilization

    图  3  优化施肥下种植绿肥对青花椒果实品质综合效应的影响

    Figure  3.  Comprehensive assessment of fruit qualities of Chinese prickly ash as affected by planting green manure based on the optimized fertilization

    图  4  优化施肥下种植绿肥对青花椒园单位面积活性氮损失和温室气体排放的影响

    注:环境效应评价的系统边界包含农资生产运输过程(AMS-)和农作过程(AFS-)2个阶段。其中,AMS-N Fertilizer、AMS-P and K Fertilizer、AMS-Others分别表示由农资阶段氮肥、磷钾肥、其他投入项(如农药)造成的温室气体排放,AFS-Fertilizer、AFS-Others分别表示由农作阶段用肥及其他投入项(如油耗、电力及人工等)造成的温室气体排放。全文同。

    Figure  4.  Reactive nitrogen loss and GHG emission per hectare of Chinese prickly ash affected by planting green manure based on optimized fertilization

    图  5  优化施肥下种植绿肥对青花椒园单位产量活性氮损失和温室气体排放的影响

    Figure  5.  Reactive nitrogen loss and greenhouse gas emission per metric ton of Chinese prickly ash as affected by planting green manure based on the optimized fertilization

    表  1  化肥施用量信息

    Table  1.   Information details of fertilizer application amount

    处理 化肥 秋基肥/
    N 132 78.8 67.5 278 1.00
    P2O5 48.0 52.5 22.5 123 0.44
    K2O 60.0 78.8 90.0 229 0.82
    N 116 67.5 57.0 240 1.00
    P2O5 42.0 45.0 18.8 106 0.44
    K2O 52.5 67.5 75.0 195 0.81
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    表  2  优化施肥对不同绿肥地上部养分浓度及其累积量的影响

    Table  2.   Aboveground nutrients concentration and accumulation of green manure affected by optimized fertilization

    绿肥种类 养分浓度/(g/kg) 养分累积量/(kg/hm2)
    V. villosa 427 31.5 8.14 18.8 2324 172 44.3 102.0
    V. sativa 438 30.5 7.81 14.3 2288 159 40.8 74.7
    T. dubium 437 35.9 7.87 30.8 635 52.1 11.4 44.8
    A.sinicus 449 27.9 7.05 31.7 729 45.4 11.4 51.4
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    表  3  优化施肥下种植绿肥对青花椒园土壤常规化学性质的影响

    Table  3.   Conventional soil chemistries of Chinese prickly ash affected by planting green manure based on optimized fertilization

    FP8.09 a19.2 d102 c18.9 c141 a
    OPT+V. villosa7.90 a31.5 b122 b25.9 a153 a
    OPT+V. sativa7.96 a28.1 c107 c19.1 c151 a
    OPT+T. dubium8.14 a33.0 a123 b22.9 b155 a
    OPT+A. sinicus8.07 a33.2 a133 a26.7 a143 a
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    表  4  青花椒植株养分累积量及果实品质与椒园土壤化学性质的相关关系

    Table  4.   Pearson correlation analysis between shoot nutrients accumulation, fruit qualities and soil chemistries of Chinese prickly ash

    项目 植株氮累积量 植株磷累积量 植株钾累积量 挥发性芳香油 麻味物质 醇溶抽提物 乙醚抽提物
    pH −0.828* −0.743* −0.779* −0.795* −0.683 −0.746* −0.535
    有机质 0.153 0.406 0.412 0.658 0.571 0.213 0.478
    碱解氮 −0.041 0.210 0.168 0.373 0.159 0.344 0.630
    有效磷 0.213 0.416 0.358 0.469 0.145 0.609 0.776*
    速效钾 0.569 0.691 0.730* 0.697 0.740* −0.129 −0.159
      注:*表示在 0.05 级别(双尾)相关性显著。
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    表  5  优化施肥下种植绿肥对青花椒生产经济效益的影响

    Table  5.   Economic analysis of the effects of planting green manure on Chinese prickly ash production based on optimized fertilization

    处理 投入/(元/hm2 产出 产投比(ROI)
    肥料 农药 绿肥 机械 人工 总支出 产量/(t/hm2 总收入/(元/hm2 净收益/(元/hm2
    FP 5 292 1 500 0 553 15 750 23 095 9.16 54 956 31 861 2.38
    OPT+V. villosa 9 042 1 200 600 553 17 850 29 245 13.8 83 074 53 829 2.84
    OPT+V. sativa 9 042 1 200 600 553 17 325 28 720 10.7 64 452 35 732 2.24
    OPT+T. dubium 9 042 1 200 2 100 553 16 800 29 695 9.57 57 441 27 746 1.93
    OPT+A. sinicus 9 042 1 200 1 575 553 16 800 29 170 9.53 57 170 28 000 1.96
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