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王颜玉 王文定 郑梦瑶 欧行奇 郑会芳

王颜玉,王文定,郑梦瑶,等.施氮和灌溉处理对麦田土壤有机碳组分及酶活性的影响[J].环境工程技术学报,2024,14(5):1419-1426 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20240276
引用本文: 王颜玉,王文定,郑梦瑶,等.施氮和灌溉处理对麦田土壤有机碳组分及酶活性的影响[J].环境工程技术学报,2024,14(5):1419-1426 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20240276
WANG Y Y,WANG W D,ZHENG M Y,et al.Effects of nitrogen application and irrigation treatment on soil organic carbon components and enzyme activities in wheat field[J].Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology,2024,14(5):1419-1426 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20240276
Citation: WANG Y Y,WANG W D,ZHENG M Y,et al.Effects of nitrogen application and irrigation treatment on soil organic carbon components and enzyme activities in wheat field[J].Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology,2024,14(5):1419-1426 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20240276


doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20240276
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(32402696);河南省科技攻关项目(242102110161);河南省农业良种联合攻关项目(2022010101)




  • 中图分类号: X53;S513

Effects of nitrogen application and irrigation treatment on soil organic carbon components and enzyme activities in wheat field

  • 摘要:

    探讨不同水氮管理对麦田土壤有机碳(SOC)含量、SOC组分及土壤酶活性的影响,对促进SOC库提升和助力“双碳”目标实现具有重要作用。试验设置雨养和灌溉2个灌水处理及3个施氮水平(分别为0、180和360 kg/hm2,记为N0、N180和N360),共6个处理。于小麦收获期,测定0~40 cm土层SOC、易氧有机碳(EOC)、颗粒有机碳(POC)和矿质结合有机碳(MOC)含量,以及土壤脲酶(UA)、β-葡萄糖苷酶(β -BG)、蔗糖酶(IA)、过氧化氢酶(HPA)活性。结果表明:与雨养条件下相比,灌溉条件下会降低SOC含量,不利于维持SOC的稳定;N180处理下,与灌溉条件下相比,雨养条件SOC含量在0~20和20~40 cm土层中分别提高了6.3%和71.7%;并且在3个氮水平下,雨养条件下的EOC含量均高于灌溉条件。研究显示,施氮180 kg/hm2结合适宜的水分管理有利于促进SOC积累。适宜农田水氮管理不仅是实现作物单产提升的重要途径,在促进SOC库提升和助力实现“双碳”目标方面也发挥着重要作用。


  • 图  1  小麦生育期内降水量和平均气温

    Figure  1.  Rainfall and average temperature during wheat growth period

    图  2  不同水氮处理土壤有机碳含量


    Figure  2.  Soil organic carbon content under different water and nitrogen treatments

    图  3  不同水氮处理土壤易氧有机碳含量

    Figure  3.  Amount of easily oxidizable organic carbon in soil under different water and nitrogen treatments

    图  4  不同水氮处理土壤颗粒有机碳含量

    Figure  4.  Soil POC content under different water and nitrogen treatments

    图  5  不同水氮处理土壤矿质结合有机碳含量

    Figure  5.  Content of mineral-associated organic carbon in soil under different water and nitrogen treatments

    图  6  不同水氮处理土壤有机碳组分和土壤酶活性间的相关性分析

    注:BG表示β -BG;*表示P<0.05,**表示P<0.01。

    Figure  6.  Analysis of correlation between soil organic carbon components and soil enzyme activities in variouswater and nitrogen treatments

    表  1  土壤0~20 cm土层基本理化性质

    Table  1.   Basic physicochemical properties of 0-20 cm soil

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    表  2  不同水氮处理土壤有机碳组分占总有机碳的比例

    Table  2.   Ratio of soil organic carbon components to total organic carbon under varying water and nitrogen treatments % 

    土层/cm 水分管理 施氮处理 MOC/SOC POC/SOC EOC/SOC
    0~20 I N0 78.93±3.77a 12.25±1.69b 3.81±0.57b
    N180 76.13±4.31a 17.24±2.03a 3.70±0.45b
    N360 79.55±4.32a 12.77±0.57b 8.39±0.62a
    R N0 74.90±1.37b 12.89±0.36b 18.76±0.03a
    N180 67.48±4.06c 15.81±0.46a 10.84±1.25b
    N360 88.07±0.16a 13.16±0.53b 20.21±2.55a
    20~40 I N0 85.28±15.04a 5.72±0.22b 39.10±2.20a
    N180 76.15±18.24a 11.62±1.39a 39.41±7.39a
    N360 92.10±7.24a 2.48±1.02c 26.73±1.18a
    R N0 90.95±3.97b 5.59±0.12b 37.23±4.30ab
    N180 79.71±1.32c 6.54±0.41a 28.46±0.23b
    N360 96.22±2.81a 4.88±0.23b 41.70±4.56a
      注: 不同小写字母表示同一灌水处理下不同施氮处理间差异显著(P<0.05)。全文同。
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    表  3  不同水氮处理土壤酶活性

    Table  3.   Soil enzyme activities in different water and nitrogen treatments

    土层/cm水分管理施氮处理UA/〔mg/(g·d)〕IA/〔mg/(g·d)〕HPA〔mg/(g·h)〕β-BG /〔mg/(g·d)〕
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    表  4  不同水氮处理土壤理化性质

    Table  4.   Soil physical and chemical properties under varying water and nitrogen treatments

    土层/cm 水分管理 施氮量 NO3 /(mg/kg) NH4 +/(mg/kg)
    0~20 I N0 0.468±0.018b 12.123±0.202a
    N180 0.546±0.008a 9.565±0.069b
    N360 0.343±0.009c 9.547±0.183b
    R N0 0.443±0.003c 8.688±0.039b
    N180 0.635±0.005b 11.890±0.148a
    N360 1.191±0.018a 7.565±0.094c
    20~40 I N0 0.362±0.005a 9.683±0.247c
    N180 0.347±0.007a 12.190±0.206a
    N360 0.250±0.046b 10.523±0.072b
    R N0 0.310±0.008b 8.859±0.021b
    N180 0.347±0.067b 9.878±0.136a
    N360 1.238±0.033a 6.144±0.290c
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