
Whole-Process Control Techniques and Practices for Toxic Organics in Industrial Wastewaters

  • 摘要: 工业废水有毒有机物削减,是构建我国以人体健康和水生态系统安全为水环境目标的流域水质目标管理体系的重要环节之一。笔者归纳国外成功经验,结合我国国情,提出立足“生产-污染控制”系统的整体优化,对工业废水有毒有机物进行全过程控制的综合防治技术策略:以废水有机物排放源解析为基础,通过生产工艺改进和管理减排等措施减少进入废水处理系统的污染物量;选择废水分质处理策略,根据废水水质特性,通过有机物回收及强化降解技术实现有毒有机废水的预处理,通过高效生物处理技术实现有毒有机物的生物降解,最后通过深度处理进一步削减有毒有机物的排放量。对于大型工业联合体,通过生产装置内部、生产装置之间、生产装置与综合污水处理厂之间的协同优化,实现资源节约和有毒有机物的高效减排。通过减排技术体系的构建和污染物排放标准的制订推动新型适用废水有毒有机物控制技术的研发和应用。


    Abstract: Reduction of toxic organics in industrial wastewater was one of the important links to build watershed quality target management system which considered human health and hydroecology safe as the water environmental targets. By learning from foreign experience and considering the actual situation of China, a whole-process technological strategy for toxic organic pollution control, based on the optimization of production and pollution control as an integrated system, was proposed against the disadvantages of traditional end-of-pipe solution. Analysis and characterization of organic pollutants in the wastewater were the base for the whole-process control. Improving of production process and management practice was used to reduce the amount of toxic organics discharged into wastewater. Then water-quality-based treatment processes were selected for wastewater streams with different characterization. Organic recovery and enhanced-degradation techniques were used for the pretreatment of wastewater. High-efficiency biological processes were used for biodegradation of toxic organics and the advanced treatment was used for further removal of toxic organics. For large-scale industrial complex, an optimization approach involving the inner-workshop, inter-workshop and between workshops and wastewater treatment plant, was proposed for resource conservation and high-efficient elimination of toxic organics. Establishment of technical systems and discharge standards for toxic organic elimination could promote the development and application of advanced technologies greatly.


