摘要: 采用国产微米气泡发生装置,对比研究了微米气泡曝气与普通曝气对黑臭河水的处理效果。监测的出水水质指标包括土臭素〔Geosmin(蔡烷醇类)〕和2-甲基异莰醇〔2-MIB(冰片烷醇类)〕,以及CODCr,NH3-N,TP,色度和浊度。结果表明,在相同的曝气强度下,微米气泡曝气技术可产生更高的溶解氧(DO)浓度,60 min时水体的DO浓度达到9.87 mg/L,而普通曝气在100 min时才达到6.54 mg/L。在试验期间,微米气泡曝气在60~80 min内就能达到或非常接近其对污染物最高的处理效率,而普通曝气要在80 min后才能达到。另外,微米气泡曝气对CODCr,NH3-N,Geosmin和2-MIB的最大去除率分别比普通曝气高12%,10%,16%和12%。而由于气体的搅动,在曝气前期2种曝气方式下色度和浊度均有升高,60~80 min后才低于初始水平。Abstract: A microbubble generator produced domestically was used to treat the black-odor river water. A comparison study on treatment efficiency between the microbubble aeration and conventional aeration was carried out. Some important water quality indicators, including odorous chemicals (Geosmin and 2-MIB), CODCr, NH3-N, TP, color and turbidity were monitored during the experimental period. The results showed that microbubble generator produced higher DO concentration than conventional aeration under the same gas flow, and DO level produced by the former one was 9.87 mg/L in 60 min but only 6.54 mg/L in 100 min by the latter. During the experimental period, microbubble aeration obtained or was greatly closed to its highest removal rates of different pollutants at 60-80 min, while conventional aeration did not obtained or was greatly close to its highest removal rates until 80min or even later. Additionally, the removal rates of CODCr, NH3-N, Geosmin and 2-MIB coming from microbubble technology were 12%, 10%, 16% and 12% higher than those from the conventional aeration technology, respectively. The color and turbidity values increased at the beginning period because of the strong stirring from bubbles, and did not recover to their initial level until 60-80 min.
Key words:
- micro bubble /
- aeration /
- black-odor water /
- dissolved oxygen
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