Comparison of the Absorption and Desorption Characters of Activated Carbon Fiber and Granular Activated Carbon on Benzene, Toluene and Xylene Mixed Gas
摘要: 三苯(苯、甲苯、二甲苯)被广泛用作油漆、涂料等的有机溶剂,其产生的大气污染与室内环境污染已备受关注,吸附回收治理技术作为污染治理及溶剂回收的有效手段,仍是当前研发热点,而探索简易、低能耗、易推广的测试手段和方法,对吸附材料做出吸附、再生性能评价,有利于为工业应用及室内空气净化推广。基于简易、低能耗、易推广的测试原则,自制玻璃吸附管,手动过管吸附、热解吸脱附,结合热解吸与气相色谱分析方法,就黏胶基活性炭纤维(VACF)与颗粒状椰壳活性炭(GAC)对三苯混合共存条件下三苯吸附及120 ℃脱附再生性能比较测试,由常温吸附性测试发现,VACF用量少,其对三苯吸附力明显优于GAC;由120 ℃恒温、氮气吹扫流速50 mL/min脱附比较发现,VACF对苯与甲苯脱附力强,而对二甲苯脱附力却低于GAC。
- 黏胶基活性炭纤维(VACF) /
- 颗粒状椰壳活性炭(GAC) /
- 吸附率 /
- 脱附率
Abstract: The atmospheric pollution and indoor environment pollution generated from benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX) of widely used in paint and coating had been widely concerned with. Adsorption and recycling treatment technologies as effective means of pollution control and solvent recovery were still the research focus. To explore simple, low-energy consuming and easy-to-disseminate test means for evaluating absorption and regeneration performance of adsorption materials was in favour of their industrial applications and dissemination in indoor air cleansing. Based on the simple, low-energy consuming and easy-to-disseminate principle, the experiment used self-made glass adsorption tube to perform tube adsorption and thermal desorption, and to carry out comparative tests on desorption and regeneration characters of BTX mixture with Viscose-based activated carbon fiber (VACF) and Granular coconut-shell activated carbon (GAC) as the adsorptive material, in combination with the analysis of thermal desorption and gas chromatography. The results showed that under room temperature, the adsorption rate of VACF was much better than that of GAC, with the usage of VACF less than that of GAC. Under constant temperature 120 ℃ and nitrogen purge rate of 50mL/min, the VACF showed a superior desorption rate with Benzene and Toluene than GAC. Moreover, it showed a lower desorption rate of Xylene from VACF than that from GAC.
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